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Jira SQL Queries

Below is the list of SQL queries to perform tasks directly on the database. Please note that you should always shut down Jira & backup your database before performing any of these queries.

Find user abc

select * from cwd_user where lower_user_name = 'abc'

Query on groups

SELECT * from cwd_group

Query on jira directories

select * from cwd_directory

Select all but 3 users from Jira Internal Directory

select * from cwd_user where directory_id = 1 and (user_name != 'abc' and user_name != 'cde' and user_name != 'sysadmin');

Disable user directory

select id, directory_name, active from cwd_directory;

Then you want to use this information to disable the directory

update cwd_directory set active=0 where id=123456;
jira_sql_queries.1499956817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/13 10:40 by pawel