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Confluence SQL Queries

Below is the list of SQL queries to perform tasks directly on the database. Please note that you should always shut down Confluence & backup your database before performing any of these queries.

Find all spaces and the space owner

select s.SPACEKEY, s.SPACENAME, u.username, u1.first_name, u1.last_name, u1.email_address from SPACES s join SPACEPERMISSIONS p ON s.SPACEID = p.SPACEID join user_mapping u on p.PERMUSERNAME = u.user_key join cwd_user u1 on u.username = u1.user_name where p.PERMTYPE = 'SETSPACEPERMISSIONS';

confluence_sql_queries.1537459867.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/20 12:11 by pawel