===== Neat Things in Jira ===== ==== Changing color of label on a field on Edit or Create screen ==== If you want to change the label of a field in jira, you can do so by writing a simple script, and adding it to the description of the field. The below example makes the field colored red. ==== Add light-yellow background to a field's input box ==== If you'd like to highlight the background of the field's input box, you can do so with the following code snippet by adding it to the description of the custom field: ==== Hiding current field unless priority is set to P1 and change colors to text box and font ==== === Display radio button option that was selected with alert message === ==== Adding messages to your JIRA tickets ==== You can display informational messages in your Jira tickets for users to see. See the following URL: [[https://docs.atlassian.com/aui/7.4.0/docs/messages.html|AUI Messages]] ==== Adding colors to your Drop Down custom field options ==== Source URL: [[https://docs.atlassian.com/aui/7.7.0/docs/lozenges.html?_ga=2.206915859.1202970929.1522078980-2098522943.1519672741|Atlassian Documentation - Lozenges]] Although the documentation is a bit outdated, and the colors don't match exactly what is in the documentation, in principal you can add an aui-lozenge to your option in order to create colorful options in your drop down menus: {{:options.png?400|Options how they will display on a jira view / search screen}} In order to accomplish this, you need to add span code as you see it in the screenshot: {{:code.png?800|Option configuration screen}} ==== Disabling a field from being seen using banner ==== **have not confirmed this yet** Link: [[https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/User-s-quot-Configure-Fields-quot-settings/qaq-p/43816|Atlassian Forum Discussion]] I found this in the above linked forum discussion, not tested yet.